Dear .....,
Perhaps you shall find this one day, walking down paths we loved. I loved you more than you will never know. We met at the wrong time, didn't we? I know you could not sense my change. I too could not. Perhaps the dark destiny was in its quietest form then. I know you mistook my mood shifts for indifference, for lack of interest or perhaps a lack of commitment.You saw me reel under pressure of something you could not understand. Neither could I. All I knew was I was losing touch with reality. I felt myself break, gently falling apart like broken crumbs. You lost patience, you thought I was the odd piece of a jigsaw puzzle. You tried to solve me.
I was helpless then, a break down so subtle, even I don't see through it except for an awareness of losing all of me. An evil that consumes my life and me in a very subtle way. You turn a millionth of a second just to try to make me smile like you would a kid, a funny face. You are hurt I don't laugh anymore, You know am indifferent but you do not know I am falling apart within. You throw the puzzle of me away in frustration and pain. You hate me for the odd thoughts I process,
but you fail to see am falling apart. You forget the one I was when we met across cutlery, when I loved to smile against your smile, you forgot the quiet coincidence of my thought interlinking yours across distances cultural, regional. you forget the trust with which my life settled within you. You see the new me, the fallen apart self, day by day you see me growing bitter, moody and distant. You let me know it has become so ugly that you didn't want to say even hello. You find me troubled and complaining. A part of me just wants you to know I don't wish to be so but I reel under the vents that chequer my life to ever find the clarity. Blessed with an innate skill to be destined through the strangest of events one after the other, I struggle to hold to the richness of our meeting yet fail to hold under evil I can hardly explain to you. You find it hard to believe the strange weird problems and so push me away into nothingness.
You make that last call, leave me to mend my ways, my imagination of an evil you refuse to see real. You leave me to a fate that finishes me. I hope you find this during your evening walks, or perhaps your grandchild would
and she would perhaps write our story for the world to treasure.

You make that last call, leave me to mend my ways, my imagination of an evil you refuse to see real. You leave me to a fate that finishes me. I hope you find this during your evening walks, or perhaps your grandchild would

With all the love that could never be,
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