Reader! Enter My Blog/Head At Your Own Risk,Quite A Noise Beneath Apparent Quietude.

Dormant Volcano

  Dormant too long Andes Acamarachi
Directionless thrownMagmatic spatter
I steam, fume at last
finally explode furor
Into a  molten thousand
tailed stamping entailed 
Excuse me doggy
Taught to say
 sorry to wasps
fury erupts
I fume at last
Spatter of fury
Red Rage


  1. Lollypop!nice picture for the write. Do you get that something called anger? Andes?

  2. Interesting. Is the shape really not intended?The end by a single word of such an image is effective.All of us do get angry. But this one is Not dormant. slow in getting angry, slowest in keeping it long and slower in letting it go. And will say sorry to ants, stray pups and excuse me to a crow.right?

  3. sowmya, Andes Volcanoes. I do.

  4. sandeep, maybe this time I was more aware of the shape of it at the end. Not sure, maybe right.
