Reader! Enter My Blog/Head At Your Own Risk,Quite A Noise Beneath Apparent Quietude.

When One leaves…

When one leaves the other
Each takes 
A slice of life
A fraction of innocence
A segment of skin
A shade of eyes
A whisper of ears
A chip of a dream
A hum of a melody
A whiff of a fragrance
A scrap of a laugh
An end of a smile
A drop of a tear
A piece of a broken heart
A chunk of a lost mind
Then entwines it all
With a silence that kills
An entity longed to live.


  1. Poignant, touching and human. Your writing carries the touch and feel of life.

  2. Without the feel of life, how can anyone live or write?

  3. dear anush,
    beautiful as usual.
    i loved this line:an end of a smile.
    by the way, my comments are not at all getting published...:(
    and ur picture there in that tiny box is cute:)keep writing.by the way do u hv access to my blog?it is lying there like a lost lover..all forgotten.

  4. deepa!!! thank you. Heard some others say it too..maybe technical problems. Mail me the link...would love to read. A blog is far better than a Lost lover! ;)

  5. sad sweet...makes me want to live life again.

  6. Sowmya, don't we live life again every fleeting moment?

  7. this has been one of the most beautiful poems i have come across... loved it, love the essence in it, the pain, the love, beautiful ...

  8. Menachery: Thank you for the reading and welcome to the blog.
