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Born Again Day

Born 'unwished' for perhaps
Accident becomes incident
someone dies just then
 so cursed birth
coffers fill maybe luck borne still
So christened, baptized, 
So Born again
A day a year
Born again wished prayed
Busily kissed, smooched, bitten
 hurriedly wished, cursed, missed
forcibly hugged, crushed, squished
Gifts wrapped, re-opened
Candles blow away years 
colorful candles lest it be a funeral
wished right hour, wished wrong day
Someone wishes a year later
Cakes cut, uncut, bought,
First kin bakes, then neighbor bakes
then self bakes
Ribbons fly awry like sentiments
forgotten , remembered
dog eared certificate spells 
date month year
 sanctions still
A birth date.


  1. A difficult style to imitate.A birthday.I just have not looked at a birthday this way. An october inspiration? sylvia plath too is October, this poem is the third one(My opinion)that makes you the Indian plath.

  2. Sandeep,Thank you for the comment. Plath is a great writer.Proud to be Indian and I am ME.:)

  3. A birthday is nice, you are a tiger in thinking. Difficult to understand easily.October baby blast the big day.
